To Be At Your Service
Service is not just impeccable delivery of goods. The manner in which we serve the printing indutry creates sensuous understanding of the products and extends relationship beyond monetary issues. For us, service is a chapter we have always enjoyed performing.

Outside of ink manufacturing, all our work within the boundaries of the printing community has been of service to everyone concerned.

Developing unfeigned relationship with the associate members of printing, the printing students and the society of printing engineers has remained on top of our priorities upto the minute. As regards, we had signed a MOU with Anna University in 1995, ever and again train printing technology students, allow them to join us for projects. Besides our R & D department, it is the above circle of well wishers who perpetually help us to

  evaluate new raw materials
  update existing ink systems
  develop ink systems with improved adhesion properties on existing & new substrates.
  develop or reformulate an ink system with improved environmental properties

Mr. A. Samiappan, Founder & chief, was instrumental in various developmental activities of the local Printing Ink Association and is a prominent figure among South Indian Printing Fraternity.

The industry had never failed to commend our efforts and achievements - had presented with a great many awards including the Gutenberg award for outstanding contribution to the printing industry. We astonished ourselves with the success which would not have been possible but for the efforts upheld by one and all.